Sunday, February 17, 2019

How Dysport Injection Works in Franklin?

 Franklin Dysport Injections

Wrinkles are a part of the aging process that all of us go through. Although wrinkles are part and parcel of life, some can form earlier than we expect it. Wrinkles on the forehead, between the brows and other parts of the face and neck area, can be quite disheartening for many. Even though you get many anti-wrinkle treatments not many of them actually work. Dysport, on the other hand, is an FDA approved treatment that is proven to work! Find out how Dysport injection works and if it's the right treatment for you.

What is Dysport treatment?

Dysport is a botulinum type A injection used to prevent wrinkles and fine lines forming in your face. Dysport treatment is used on moderate to severe wrinkles. The treatment reduces the muscle activity of the relevant parts of the face. The injection is used only on five points of the face in order to avoid a ‘frozen' look and give natural results.
 Franklin Dysport Injections

How long is the procedure and how long does it last?

Treatment will only require 10- 20 minutes and the results are visible in 2 or 3 days of treatment. There's no recovery time so you can go back to your routine the next day. The treatment usually lasts for four months.

Who is an eligible candidate for Dysport?

Make sure you get the treatment from a trained and experienced medical professional. You will not be able to get Dysport if you,

- have an allergy to the ingredients in the injection

- are allergic to cow's milk protein

- have a tendency to get an infection in the injection area.

What makes Dysport different from other treatments?

- Dysport is approved by the FDA

- The treatment sessions last only up to 20 minutes

- The level of discomfort is minimal

- Post-treatment downtime is almost nonexistent

- Results are visible within 2-3 days

- Looks natural

How many units are injected?

The amount of Dysport used will depend on the individual and the type of problem you have. In general, about 50 units are used to work on between the brows and frown lines. However, your doctor is the best person to determine the quantity.

 Franklin Dysport Injections

To Learn More About 
Franklin Dysport Injections, Please Visit CoolSprings Laser, Aesthetic & Skin Care Center.

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Monday, January 14, 2019

What you need to know about Breast Augmentation

What should be expected from the breast augmentation process?

When starting the process, the first step is having a consultation with a doctor. During this time, the doctor will talk about the risks, benefits, required preparation, and after-care; the patient’s medical history will be discussed, and a brief overview of the procedure will be given, along with other important topics. Patient are encouraged to use the consultation appointment to ask any questions and clear up any doubts they have about the procedure or any aspect of it. Patients are required to have transportion arranged after the procedure is complete as they will not be able to drive home.

As the procedure begins, the surgeon will choose an anesthetic based on the patient’s medical history. After the anesthetic has taken effect, a minute incision will be created. Through this incision, tissue will be separated to make a “pocket.” The location of this incision can change based on several factors. In most cases, however, the incision will be made under the breast, around the nipple area, or the underarm area. This location will be strategically chosen to present minimal visibility. Following this, the surgeon will carefully place the chosen implant in the previously created pocket. The implant will then be adjusted to the optimal location. After this, the incisions will be closed, and the techniques used here will keep any scarring to a minimum.

After the procedure is completed, the patient will remain in the recovery area of the office for around an hour. When the patient is ready to go home, the doctor will give her detailed after-care instructions. It is important that these instructions are followed closely to ensure quick recovery and best results. Downtime will normally range from a few days to a week or two, but it varies from one patient to another.

To Learn More About Breast Augmentation in Franklin TN, Please Visit CoolSprings Laser, Aesthetic & Skin Care Center.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment in Fort Myers, FL

Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment Fort Myers FL
Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment Fort Myers FL

If you have never heard of seborrheic dermatitis, you are not alone, but like many other people, you
may still suffer from this common condition. Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition of the scalp
which causes excessive dandruff and a scaly scalp, and often requires treatment from a
dermatologist in South West Florida.
Q: Is seborrheic dermatitis the same as dandruff?

Dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis are closely related, but not necessarily the same thing. While
seborrheic dermatitis is marked by excessive dandruff, it is possible to have mild dandruff without
having seborrheic dermatitis. Dandruff is caused by similar factors to those that cause acne, while
the causes of seborrheic dermatitis are officially still unknown. Seborrheic dermatitis may appear
with dandruff as well as scaly patches of skin that may appear grey, white, or even reddish in color
and may be itchy.
Q: Can seborrheic dermatitis cause hair loss?

Yes, many patients report temporary shedding or hair loss (telogen effluvium) along with seborrheic
dermatitis due to the inflammation and stress placed on the scalp by the condition. Luckily, with the
right treatments, this hair loss can be stopped once the dermatitis is treated and brought under
control. In most cases, the effects of the hair loss can be reversed once the condition has been
Q: Can seborrheic dermatitis be treated?

As is the case with most skin conditions, seborrheic dermatitis is best treated when a dermatologist
in Fort Myers FL can identify irritants or the underlying cause of the condition. With the right
treatments, seborrheic dermatitis can be effectively treated and managed, though there is officially
no permanent cure. Seborrheic dermatitis may resolve itself without medical treatment in some
cases, but more often, it will require a dermatologist’s care, especially if it is linked to hair loss.
Treatments may include medicated shampoos or creams, anti-fungal medication – either topical
or oral, and some lifestyle changes to limit exposure to irritants.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

How long does Volbella filler in Portland, OR last?

Volbella filler in Portland
Volbella filler in Portland

Q: What is Volbella used for?

JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC is one of many available dermal fillers and is one of the latest additions
to the Juvéderm line of fillers. This filler is used for cosmetic lip augmentation and can also be used to
address perioral lines, or the fine lines and wrinkles that form around the mouth with age. As with most
other Juvéderm products, Volbella boosts the body’s supply of hyaluronic acid, which is a naturally occurring
substance that increases volume and moisture, to achieve these results.
Q: Where can Volbella be used?

Currently, JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC is only authorized by the FDA for use in the lips and perioral area to
boost volume and remove lines and wrinkles. The Volbella filler is ideal for patients in the Portland, OR area
who are interested in improving the appearance of their lips or who wish to remove the lines and wrinkles that
appear around the mouth.
Q: How long does it last?

The desirable results of this exceptional treatment are proven to last for a year in patients who take good care of
their skin and follow their doctor’s instructions. 80 percent of people report continued satisfaction with their
JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC results a year after treatment.
Q: Who can receive Volbella filler?

You will need to speak to your doctor in Portland, OR to find out how JUVÉDERM VOLBELLA® XC could work
for your cosmetic needs. You will likely be a good candidate for Volbella if you are over the age of 21 and do
not have allergies. All candidates will need to inform the doctor of any medical conditions they have, and
treatments or medications they may use.
Q: Are there any side effects to Volbella fillers?

As with nearly any medical or cosmetic treatment, there are risks of certain side effects. However, the majority of reported side
effects are mild and go away within a month of the treatment.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Dermatologist In Algonquin Describes The Early Warning Signs Of Skin Cancer

What is skin cancer?

When the skin cell’s DNA is damaged due to the effects of Ultraviolet rays from the sun, it causes the cells to divide in an uncontrolled manner. This can eventually lead to forming a tumor and thus turn into cancer. Older people are often at risk; however, the disease can also affect the young. Thankfully most skin cancers can be cured if detected and treated early.

How is it diagnosed?

Prevention and early detection is the key to combating the disease. Based on this, many dermatologists in Algonquin recommend their patients practice self-examinations checks of their skin for any irregularities, tumors, or lesions.  This is a simple task which can be done by the patient themselves using a mirror or with a help of a friend. Any doubts or suspicions must be followed by a visit to the doctor.

In addition, most dermatologists also offer cancer screening sessions, where a doctor performs a head to toe visual examination of the patient’s skin. If there are any suspicious spots, a sample is taken and sent to the lab for further analysis.

What are the symptoms early on?

Experts have classified skin cancer based on their characteristics and appearance into three groups: Basal Cell Carcinoma (BCC), Squamous Cell Carcinoma (SCC), and Melanoma.

  • BCC or Basal Cell Carcinoma is known to be the least harmful type. The area can appear red, pale, or sometimes white in color. There maybe a lump or scaling present. In some cases, it may take the appearance of a sore that has failed to heal. The growth of a BCC tumor is known to be slow.
  • SCC or Squamous Cell Carcinoma can appear as a spot that is thick, rough, and scaly. It can also bleed easily if scratched, scraped, or bumped. Sometimes, they take the appearance of a wart.
  • Melanoma is the most dangerous of the three types. It can appear anywhere in the skin, including those that are not exposed to the sun. Presentation includes uneven dark spots that may have more than one color – brown, black, blue, red, or grey.

To Learn More About Skin Cancer Treatment Algonquin, Please Visit Dermatology Specialists of Illinois

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Saturday, October 28, 2017

Effective Acne Treatment, as Explained by Toronto Dermatologists

Effective acne treatment Toronto ON

The doctors at Dermatology on Bloor can clear acne or prevent outbreaks and lasting effects such as scars where OTC products have failed to live up to the hype. There are a lot of frequently asked questions and common misconceptions about a condition that affects more than 9 percent of the world’s population. Your Dermatologist team in Toronto answers some of these queries, and clear up myths along the way … 

Q. I keep my skin clean. So why do I still have acne?

Pimples aren’t caused by dirty skin or poor hygiene. But the right type of cleanser and cleansing technique is important. Scrubbing too hard, too often or with abrasive products is irritating and makes acne worse. We’ll provide guidance on the best products for your skin.

Q. I’ve tried everything at the store. Why haven’t I seen improvement?

OTC products are often “one-size-fits-all.” For example, many work best on oily, teenaged skin but cause dryness and irritation for older patients. We evaluate your skin and history to determine treatments that will be effective for your skin type, and the type and severity of your acne. Our prescription-strength products are also safe, whereas some popular OTC treatments can cause serious facial swelling and tightness. 

Q. What products might you recommend? 

Depending on your specific needs, we may prescribe topical or oral medications. Products applied to dry, clean skin include retinoids or antibiotics in cream, gel, or lotion form. They work by killing excess bacteria, and preventing follicles from becoming “plugged-up.” Antibiotics may be taken in pill form, and other oral drugs include contraceptives for women with acne, or isotretinoin and anti-androgen drugs if your acne is severe or doesn’t respond to antibiotics.

These products and medications may be combined with light chemical peels or light-based therapies. Call us with your specific questions. 

To Learn More About Acne Treatment  Please Visit Dermatology on Bloor

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Visit a dermatologist with good reviews in Hamilton ON

Problems like calluses, dandruff, oily skin, and dry skin can be easily treated on your own with over the counter medical products. But not all skin problems can be resolved without the help of a dermatologist. 

When should I see a dermatologist?

If you have been wondering whether your skin problem needs assistance, you can use the following criteria to help determine if you need an appointment with the dermatologist. 

Stubborn acne or cystic acne that will not go away

Most mild to moderate acne breakouts can be kept under control with the use of anti-acne products that contain benzoyl peroxide and salicylic acid combined with gentle skin care routines. But if weeks of consistent use of these product does not work for you, you should see a dermatologist. There are several effective prescription options that are available to treat this problem. 

Treatment of scars

There are products that claim to reduce and resolve the appearance of most scars. But these products typically fail to show any reduction in scars at all. Your dermatologist can step in to offer effective procedures to treat depressed and raised scars. 

Skin disorders

Dermatologists can best address conditions like chronic seborrhea and dandruff, psoriasis, wounds that do not heal by themselves, rosacea and many more skin conditions. Skin care products can help you to maintain the overall health of your skin, but prescription based topical and oral medication will be essential in the continuation and successful resolution of many skin conditions. 

Itching and rashes that do not go away

Some types of dermatitis and eczema will be accompanied with painful and uncomfortable inflammations, uncontrolled itching, and irritated or flaking skin that does not go away. A dermatologist can help you finally take care of such bothersome problems with appropriate medications. 

Red marks left by blemishes or acne

Your dermatologist can make significant improvement by eliminating these marks with the use of lasers or light treatments.

To Learn More About: Dermatologist Hamilton    Please Visit: DRS Skincare