Saturday, October 28, 2017

Effective Acne Treatment, as Explained by Toronto Dermatologists

Effective acne treatment Toronto ON

The doctors at Dermatology on Bloor can clear acne or prevent outbreaks and lasting effects such as scars where OTC products have failed to live up to the hype. There are a lot of frequently asked questions and common misconceptions about a condition that affects more than 9 percent of the world’s population. Your Dermatologist team in Toronto answers some of these queries, and clear up myths along the way … 

Q. I keep my skin clean. So why do I still have acne?

Pimples aren’t caused by dirty skin or poor hygiene. But the right type of cleanser and cleansing technique is important. Scrubbing too hard, too often or with abrasive products is irritating and makes acne worse. We’ll provide guidance on the best products for your skin.

Q. I’ve tried everything at the store. Why haven’t I seen improvement?

OTC products are often “one-size-fits-all.” For example, many work best on oily, teenaged skin but cause dryness and irritation for older patients. We evaluate your skin and history to determine treatments that will be effective for your skin type, and the type and severity of your acne. Our prescription-strength products are also safe, whereas some popular OTC treatments can cause serious facial swelling and tightness. 

Q. What products might you recommend? 

Depending on your specific needs, we may prescribe topical or oral medications. Products applied to dry, clean skin include retinoids or antibiotics in cream, gel, or lotion form. They work by killing excess bacteria, and preventing follicles from becoming “plugged-up.” Antibiotics may be taken in pill form, and other oral drugs include contraceptives for women with acne, or isotretinoin and anti-androgen drugs if your acne is severe or doesn’t respond to antibiotics.

These products and medications may be combined with light chemical peels or light-based therapies. Call us with your specific questions. 

To Learn More About Acne Treatment  Please Visit Dermatology on Bloor

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